I'm excited. It's better than Christmas, and it doesn't cost a dime! (until I feel compelled to go and buy all the great new stuff that'll be announced).
For those of you who don't know, PMA is the Photo Marketing Association International, and they have an annual International convention. There's even a
PMA 07 is where all the coolest new photography equipment will be announced and shown. For those of us who shoot Canon, it's a very exciting time as we're expecting some major announcements concerning Canon's DSLR line-up. The 40D (successor to the 30D) is likely to be un-veiled, as is the 1DsMkIII (successor to the 1DsMkII). It's also possible we're going to see the 1DMkIII (successor the 1DMkIIN), and maybe even a change in the 5D (there's a rumour going around that the 5D will be split into a high end and low end offering).
For those of us who live and breathe photography, this is really exciting stuff!!! These new line of cameras will hopefully have some really awesome new features and enhancements.
For example, the
Canon Rebel XTi which was recently introduced before Christmas, is the first Canon DSLR to have a self-cleaning sensor system. This is really cool because cleaning the sensor in DSLR's is a real pain-in-the-butt! Canon usually introduces new technology like this in their entry level cameras (i.e. Rebel XTi), and then adds them to the professional line-up (i.e. 40D, 5D, 1DMkIII, 1DsMkIII). Rumour has it we can expect this feature in some or all of the new Canons announced at PMA 07.
There's also the possibility of a IS (Image Stabilized) body being introduced at PMA 07. Up until now, IS has only been available in the lenses. No Canon DSLR's have IS built in. Pentax and Sony now both have DSLR's that have a type of image stabilization built in. Will Canon follow suit???
And lenses! There are a lot of lenses that are on my wishlist. Some are lenses that need to be up-dated to current design specs, and others are lenses that currently don't exist (i.e. 16-75 f1.4 IS).
Just 28 more sleeps until the un-veiling starts!